Get Involved Today!

Your financial support, big or small, has the power to change lives. All contributions are tax deductible and 100% of your donation goes toward the people we serve. Change a life today and consider donating.

Support Through Donations

Ways to Volunteer

At Pyramid House Foundation, we are always seeking volunteers to lend their time, talent, and expertise to help change the narrative of housing insecurity. Volunteering is a rewarding way to pay it forward.

Plan & Host Events

Join our dedicated team of event volunteers and be a part of creating memorable experiences, connecting communities, and making a lasting impact.

Spread The Word

Help us spread the word and make a difference by supporting our marketing efforts, amplifying our mission and empowering others to join the cause.

Give A Workshop

Share your professional expertise and inspire others by volunteering to lead a workshop, helping individuals gain valuable knowledge and skills.

Beautify Our Spaces

Share your time and talents with us and lend a hand with our landscaping, gardening, and other home improvement projects. Help us make our space a home.

Make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and become a valued supporter, helping us create a positive impact in our community.

Pyramid House Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Contributions are tax-deductible.

Tax ID# 92-2240151